Explorer (beta) • Top Block 173054 •

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Height74198 • Confirmations 98856 • Next
Previous Block47c5c619cc871ece86ace337f246ebaf2b9301598e41f39973be09bdeb2583d4
Versions in Voting Window4.0 -> 12 • 4.7 -> 708
Timestamp1555419250 • 2019-04-16 12:54:10 UTC
Timestamp Median1555417307 • 2019-04-16 12:21:47 UTC
Nonceac006331 • 828571820
Base Reward530219.37459914
Transactions Fee0
Reward530219.37459914 • Penalty 0%
Difficulty4972680 • 41 KH/s
Cumulative Difficulty366335748095
Block Size518
Transactions Size385 • Vote 100000 • Vote Median 100000
Already Generated Coins45474'143221.55236240 • Money Supply 184467'440737.09551615
Already Generated Transactions74437
Already Generated Key Outputs692637

Transactions - 1


Merge Mining - Has Root Block Show/Hide

Previous Block0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Transaction Count1
Coinbase Transaction Branch
Blockchain Branch

Merge Mining - Coinbase Transaction

Unlock Block0
Extra (raw)02 • 0c • 5cb5d07243f1e5b3db6032c1 • 03 • 21 • 004ea056918ada5e40d5fd1b79c8dd3aaf4798146c3596fc1e9f22e8d034b2aff3
Merge Mining Tag0 • 4ea056918ada5e40d5fd1b79c8dd3aaf4798146c3596fc1e9f22e8d034b2aff3
Extra Nonce5cb5d07243f1e5b3db6032c1