Explorer (beta) • Top Block 173054 •

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Height74888 • Confirmations 98166 • Next
Previous Block15c4cf492f0c7b2a68582c15f55a6090a15df7a605e5c289a33277021c6a03d9
Versions in Voting Window4.0 -> 1 • 4.7 -> 719
Timestamp1555485978 • 2019-04-17 07:26:18 UTC
Timestamp Median1555481960 • 2019-04-17 06:19:20 UTC
Nonce848062d0 • 3496116356
Base Reward528825.59484297
Transactions Fee0
Reward528825.59484297 • Penalty 0%
Difficulty6496728 • 54 KH/s
Cumulative Difficulty369785697763
Block Size855
Transactions Size722 • Vote 100000 • Vote Median 100000
Already Generated Coins45839'512828.17413831 • Money Supply 184467'440737.09551615
Already Generated Transactions75128
Already Generated Key Outputs699051

Transactions - 1


Merge Mining - Has Root Block Show/Hide

Previous Block0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Transaction Count1
Coinbase Transaction Branch
Blockchain Branch

Merge Mining - Coinbase Transaction

Unlock Block0
Extra (raw)02 • 0c • 5cb6d51a43f1e5ee3c7e9445 • 03 • 21 • 005bd75abbd289539b4bb8eb1f0449541b77dd2864656bc883cf6880a1b77e9d85
Merge Mining Tag0 • 5bd75abbd289539b4bb8eb1f0449541b77dd2864656bc883cf6880a1b77e9d85
Extra Nonce5cb6d51a43f1e5ee3c7e9445