Explorer (beta) • Top Block 173054 •

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Height74890 • Confirmations 98164 • Next
Previous Block245d9ba9f73ec817879dccfb69e927261e12249589fc1d41f9d2d676db908b37
Versions in Voting Window4.0 -> 1 • 4.7 -> 719
Timestamp1555486126 • 2019-04-17 07:28:46 UTC
Timestamp Median1555482448 • 2019-04-17 06:27:28 UTC
Noncee40049d1 • 3511222500
Base Reward528821.56023156
Transactions Fee0
Reward528821.56023156 • Penalty 0%
Difficulty6492568 • 54 KH/s
Cumulative Difficulty369798686700
Block Size854
Transactions Size721 • Vote 100000 • Vote Median 100000
Already Generated Coins45840'570473.31190329 • Money Supply 184467'440737.09551615
Already Generated Transactions75130
Already Generated Key Outputs699071

Transactions - 1


Merge Mining - Has Root Block Show/Hide

Previous Block0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Transaction Count1
Coinbase Transaction Branch
Blockchain Branch

Merge Mining - Coinbase Transaction

Unlock Block0
Extra (raw)02 • 0c • 5cb6d5ae43f1e5ee3c7e9447 • 03 • 21 • 00416f6fc817bd5061532b4f48270dd14939490235105f26bae9eae75311b6695f
Merge Mining Tag0 • 416f6fc817bd5061532b4f48270dd14939490235105f26bae9eae75311b6695f
Extra Nonce5cb6d5ae43f1e5ee3c7e9447